jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008
Perfect the conquest and just about in the middle of the 16th century, the neighbors of the city of Mexico who were gathered in his(her,your) houses at the moment of it(he,she) her(it) stays, touched by the bells of the first Cathedral; in the middle of the night and principally when there was moon, they were waking up frightened on having heard in the street, sad and prolongadísimos groans thrown(launched) by a woman to whom he(she) was afflicting, undoubtedly, sling he(she) punishes moral or tremendous physical pain.
The first nights, the neighbors contentábanse in spite of crossing itself(himself,herself) or to cross itself(himself,herself), that those lugubrious groans were, according to them, of soul of another world; but they were so many people and repeated and extended therefore time, which daring and unconcerned some, they wanted to assure with his(her,your) own(proper) eyes what age that one; and first from the half-open doors, of the windows or balconies, and immediately daring to go out for the streets, they managed to see the one that, in the silence of the obscure nights or in those in which the pale and transparent light of the moon was falling down as a vaporous mantle on the high towers, the roofs and roofs and the streets, was throwing(launching) the sharp(acute) and saddest groans.
The woman was dressing the whitest, and white suit and thick veil was covering his(her,your) face. With slow and quiet steps it(he,she) was crossing many different streets from the slept city, every night, though without the alone one was absent, to the Major Plaza, turned where the watched(veiled) face towards the east, pushed of knees, was giving the distressing last one and the most languid lament; putting in foot, was continuing with the step slow and interrupted towards the same course, on having come on the banks of the salt lake, which in this time was penetrating inside some neighborhoods, since(as) a shade was vanishing.
" The advanced hour of the night, - says the Dr. Jose Maria Marroquí--the silence and the loneliness of the streets and squares(seats), the suit, the air, the slow one to walk of that mysterious woman and, especially, the penetrating, sharp(acute) and long of his(her,your) groan, which was giving always falling down in land of knees, it(he,she) was forming(training) a set that was terrifying all those they saw and hearing her, and not few of the courageous and strong conquerors, who had been a fright(threat) of the same death, were staying in presence of that woman, mute, pale and cold, since(as,like) of marble. The most spirited scarcely were daring to follow(continue) it to long distance, taking advantage of the clarity of the moon, without another thing achieved that to see her to disappear in coming to the lake, as if it(he,she) was submerging between(among) the waters, and not being able to fight any more of her(it), and there being ignored the one who was, wherefrom it(he,she) was coming and to where it(he,she) was going, the name of The Weeping woman was given. "
Such it is briefly the genuine popular tradition that during more than three centuries remained recorded in the memory(report) of the inhabitants of the city of Mexico and that has gone resigning as the simplicity of our customs and the candour of the Mexican woman have gone getting lost.
But forgotten or almost missing person, the conseja of The Weeping woman is the most ancient and it was generalized in many places of our country, transformed or associating it with passional crimes, and that vagadora and woman's white shade, it(he,she) seemed to enjoy the gift of ubiquity, since it(he,she) was crossing ways, was penetrating for the villages, peoples(villages) and cities, was sinking in the waters of the lakes, was fording rivers, was rising to the tops where they were finding crossings(crosses), to cry at the foot of them or was vanishing on having entered the caves(grottos) or on having approached the walls of a cemetery.